HP Laserjet 1020 / 1018

Shawn McCuan smccuan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 10:55:42 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 12:45 +0200, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Arun Shrimali wrote:
> > Dear User,
> > I have lot of HP printers  1020 and 1018, I am switching over my user
> > to Ubuntu 9.04, but I can't get my printer work.
> >
> > When I run printer configuration system -> administration ->
> > printing, and look for a new printer I get the option to select a
> > printer and pick the HP 1020. It then tells me I need to install a
> > plugin. I opt to install the plugin and it drops me back to the
> > original window with no printer.
> Reminds me of a similar (the same?) problem of a friend with a HP LJ1005 
> printer. The hplip driver coming with 9.04 doesn't show the licence text 
> to accept and therefore the proprietary driver doesn't install. Your 
> printers seem to require a similar (or the same) proprietary driver. We 
> solved the problem by downloading the latest hplip driver directly from 
> the hplip site. I don't remember the exact procedure and I don't have 
> one of those printers, so I can't try how it works. But you can get the 
> latest hplip package from this page:
> <http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/downloads.html>
> Nils

this sounds like a better idea than buying a new one :D

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