Forbid user control over ALSA [disable PolicyKit?]

Christian Svensson blue at
Wed Jun 17 21:24:06 UTC 2009

They should be able to use flash etc, but not with sound.
If I allow them to use flash at the moment and they use something that
produce sound (i.e. youtube) that sound will disrupt the stream from mpd.
Exactly that example does not work in real life as my alsa does not have
mixing, but the general idea applies.

I want to allow the user to use whatever applications their heart desire -
but not communicate with ALSA and the like.

While poking around I found some things related to PolicyKit, I figured that
it may or may not be involved but since I'm completely unfamiliar with
PolicyKit and HAL I have no idea if I'm right in that PolicyKit is the bad
guy. Sorry if that is completely erronous.


Christian "BC" Svensson
Command Systems

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Brian McKee <brian.mckee at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:39 AM, Christian Svensson<blue at> wrote:
> > The user has access to a terminal, firefox and a couple of more apps. The
> > user should have access to those and perhaps want to install Flash to
> > firefox.
> >
> > Currently they can control the volume and such using alsamixer = bad.
> >
> > I don't want to restrict a couple of programs that "might change the
> volume"
> > - i want to make sure they are unable to use /dev/snd/*.
> Doesn't that mean they cannot then use firefox and flash?
> You say you want to control the volume, not disable sound....
> I don't see how Policy Kit applies here.
> Brian
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