rsync a LiveCD

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Jun 17 11:38:02 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Shannon McMackin wrote:
> On 06/16/2009 11:56 AM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> 	I fooled around a lot and got the Beta version of Ubuntu onto my
> computer in a directory called ubuntu-9.04. I used:
> karl at karl-hardy:~/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04/cdrom0$ sudo cp -va /media/cdrom0
> /home/karl/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04/
> This worked in a strange way. Rsync put a directory /cdrom0 inside the
> ubuntu-9.04 directory. Also the collection of things includes a sim link
> to a file ubuntu that goes to  . and it mirrors what is on cdrom0.
> 	Well I have all the files off the CD-Rom and in a place where I can put
> them other places. The plan is to add the 450 updates to the the Beta
> collection but I have no guess how to do this. I do have it all here on
> the computer.
> 	Has anyone ever done this?
> 73 Karl
> What is your end goal?  Are you trying to create a current collection to 
> burn a new CD?  Why not just grab the latest CD that has the updates 
> already?

	Exactly. If I had started the d/l last night It would be here now. But
I have learned a whole bunch of things that do not work...

73 Karl

- --

	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
        Key ID = 3951B48D

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