TomTom on Ubuntu

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Tue Jun 16 18:43:29 UTC 2009

2009/6/16 Pastor JW <pastor_jw at>:
> On Tuesday 16 June 2009 7:56:38 am Felipe DOMINGUEZ wrote:
>> hello
>> I am facing the same problem and I do believe that we have to complain. It
>> is the only way they know there is a market out there  who want Linux.
> I have complained to TomTom but they declare they have no intrest in
> supporting Linux as "Linux users don't buy anything".

Astonishing! Linux users don't buy anything? I'm amazed… That's not
what I've seen. Windows users always crack things (or use other
people's cracks). At least Linux users use things that are free in the
first place… I have seen, on some computers forums, people asking for
free more or less video editing tools, and when they find one that can
do just about anything a pro will ever want, they complain that it's
not free…

I don't think it matter wether you are a Linux user or a Windows user
or a Mac user. Maybe you don't want to buy anything, maybe you do.

I have a Garmin GPS and I have to say that they aren't any better. No
Linux support what so ever, however you can move files just like any
USB stick or USB HDD. BUT if you want to update your maps, you can do
it by buying a SD card, and the cost is the same as if you downloaded
the update.

By the way, one strange thing is that when upgrading the GPS unit
(Garmin Nüvi 300) itself, it changed the translations (Swedish in my
case) to the worse. Before upgrade I really didn't have anything
specific to complain about, but after upgrade there were some very
strange translations and the translator didn't seem to have a clue
about the Swedish language… In at least one case they turned almost
perfect Swedish into some crap that was just no more than weird.

Johnny Rosenberg

> I replied that alot of
> us had purchased TomTom GPS units and wished to interface with them using
> their Linux machines, but then they never answered me anymore.
> --
> 73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
>  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403
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