Programming language for children

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Mon Jun 15 16:40:07 UTC 2009

On Monday 15 June 2009 3:53:12 am Tony Baldwin wrote:
> marc wrote:
> >> On 14/06/09 02:51 PM, marc wrote:
> >>> One thing I don't agree with here is the avoidance of an IDE. Modern
> >>> IDEs are superb tools that do a huge amount of donkey work for you and
> >>> organise your work. And they're fun!
> Isn't it better that the beginner learn to do the donkey work and
> organization, first?
> Starting with an IDE is like learning your multiplication tables with a
> calculator in hand.  If the tool does all the work for you, how are you
> to learn to do the work?

If you can understand it, then it is too simple for the children!  I think a 
good starter language for children IS C as they can do things is a week it 
took me years to develop!  Plus it is a basic in Linux.  Our educational 
system has been making our children into dummies for some time now, what 
children are really after is challenge and pride in accomplishment and we try 
too hard to take that away from them, telling them they aren't ready yet.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403
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