Keyboard LEDs

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Sat Jun 13 20:43:12 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Muzer<muzerakascooby at> wrote:
> Christopher Lemire wrote:
>> Is there somewhere in /proc that can control my keyboard leds? I've
>> got an led for the function key, cap locks, and num locks. I'd like to
>> make them blink on new email IF I can find somewhere in /proc for
>> them. I know this is easy to do if you have a laptop.
> Not sure about /proc, but try the package ledcontrol. There are plenty
> of examples in /etc/ledcontrol.conf (by default it is set to blink the
> scroll lock LED depending on system load).

Hmm - that looked interesting, but I can't seem to get it to work in
X.  Does it work for you, eg when you max the CPU does the scroll lock
LED blink?  It only seems to work in my VTs...


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