LCD status display

Muzer muzerakascooby at
Sat Jun 13 18:47:08 UTC 2009

Jonathan Hudson wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 19:14:20 +0100, Muzer wrote:
>> I'm thinking of getting a small LCD display to monitor the status of the 
>> system (I know these exist, since I've noticed references to them when 
>> configuring the kernel; I'm talking about one that plugs into something 
>> like the serial or USB port, not a VGA/DVI one). Which one would be the 
>> best to get: at a good price and with compatibility with Ubuntu (so I'd 
>> have to do as little as possible to get it to work; I'd be fine with 
>> compiling software/drivers for it, but I'd like to stay away from 
>> recompiling the kernel, it just takes too much effort). I'd only really 
>> like to display things like a few temperatures, I/O usage, RAM usage, 
>> CPU usage, wireless connection speed, and other such things on it (maybe 
>> not all at once, but it'd be good if all or most of those could be 
>> accessible; maybe if the screen is too small you could page through them 
>> by pressing a key?)
>> As said, I'm sure these exist (though whether or not they are sold to 
>> endusers or at all any more is beyond my knowledge), and I'm sure if 
>> extensive kernel support exists, there must be some sort of software for 
>> them. Any recommendations?
>> Muzer.
> I have a pertilian x2040 (USB) which works just fine with pertd2
> (probably compiled from source). Try  'lcd linux' into Google for a
> plethora of options, both hardware and software.
A google provides a lot of software but not much hardware. But I'll have 
a look at the screen you recommended. Thanks!

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