OT: Unix or UNIX or unix

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jun 11 15:59:49 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> I don't think that you are familiar with banks either.
>> The systems that *really* matter for accountability run on mainframes,
>> usually with (Open)VMS as operating system.
> You are right, I am not familiar with banks. I heard the little that I
> know when discussing with a tech who was replacing all the
> workstations in my old bank. He implied that the bank was MS from the
> workstations up to the backend, whether mainframe or otherwise. 
> Corrections and comments welcomed, please!
Well, I'm quite familiar with some banks, and it's MS at the front-end (not 
out of choice - the bank I worked for was die-hard OS/2) and IBM (still) on 
the mainframe.  It's been a few years now, but afaik, it's still CICS, IMS 
and MVS (or whatever they're calling it these days), but with a lot of Linux 
VMs thrown in on the mainframe.  I stopped working for them more than a 
decade ago, but my wife was there until much more recently, and we still see 
the same people we worked with.  Nothing much changes...  Frankly, I can't 
imagine anything running MS software with the power for the size of Canadian 

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