OT: Unix or UNIX or unix

Smoot Carl-Mitchell smoot at tic.com
Wed Jun 10 21:50:08 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 15:24 -0600, CJ Kelley wrote:
> <snip>
>                The 386 was a great CPU from Intel and the Linux kernel
>         allows us to
>         make a great Unix computer. The Unix design makes it safer and
>         more
>         capable than a current Windows. I have always been amazed that
>         Windows
>         didn't take Unix and run.
> </snip>
> my instructor told us one day when he was giving a lecture about the
> history of linux and unix that windows's network layer was taken from
> linux. This was back in the windows 9x days..so windows current
> network layer is no longer unixes. 

The Windows TCP/IP implementation was taken from BSD Unix which had a
much more permissive license which allowed Microsoft to use the codebase
with attribution.

Linux is a Unix work-alike and presents a POSIX compliant system
services API with extensions.  It is not Unix in the sense that the
Linux kernel codebase is not derived from any previous Unix variant as
originally licensed from AT&T all those many years ago.

Smoot Carl-Mitchell
Computer Systems and
Network Consultant
smoot at tic.com
+1 480 922 7313
cell: +1 602 421 9005

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