Argument list too long - help

Alexandra Zaharia f0rg3r at
Wed Jun 10 19:03:32 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Carl
Friis-Hansen<ubuntuuser at> wrote:
> Sad, it didn't work either:
> carl at cjfh3:~$ for f in `ls Webcam_Pictures/*.png`; do ls $f; done
> bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long
> carl at cjfh3:~$

You have two versions here:

First one:

for x in "$( ls Webcam_Pictures/*.png )" ; do echo "$x" ; done

If that works, replace echo with rm.

Second one:

find Webcam_Pictures -iname *png -exec echo {} \;

If that works, replace echo with rm.

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