Chrome on Ubuntu: Install it now, show interest in promoting companies to write Linux software!

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Jun 10 10:22:27 UTC 2009

> I have a special message for e-mail newbies that complain about top posting:

I have a special message for e-mail newbies that insist on top posting:

I've been using email since you were using crayons. Don't try pulling
the newbie stick with me, guppy. In my day email was _per_machine_ (no
silly @ in the address), both ways uphill, and console based because
there was no GUI. Text formatting? The printer even had a fixed-font
daisy wheel! Top posting? If you'd waste four bits of bandwidth the NA
would beat your two bits into a one-bit hole. Now get off my lawn.

Dotan Cohen

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