Jaunty Update Manager is broken

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 10 03:02:02 UTC 2009

On 06/09/2009 07:47 PM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> NoOp wrote:
>>> sudo: unable to resolve host Jaunty
>>> [sudo] password for karl:
>>> karl at Jaunty:~$
>>> gksu did nothing. sudo asked for password and then the update manager
>>> came up fresh and nice.
>> Please post the output of:
>> $ cat /etc/hosts
> 	Odd as hell, but when I corrected the hostname in /etc/hosts now the
> computer works fine. The problem with all GUI is fixed. Thanks Noop!
> 73 Karl

Glad it worked. Now just to be sure it survives on reboot; post:

$ cat /etc/hosts

and let us know if you can:

$ ping localhost
$ ping Jaunty

Note: the reason sudo wasn't working is that it needs to find a valid
localhost & hostname first. I ran into trouble with that doing some
upgrades from feisty, or gutsy, can't remember which.

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