Chrome on Ubuntu: Install it now, show interest in promoting companies to write Linux software!

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Jun 10 00:27:16 UTC 2009

Derek Broughton wrote:
> marc wrote:
>> Brian said:
>>> Orders of magnitude faster?
>> Yup, on Linux.
>>> That's blatant fanboyism.
>> Nope.
> Do you actually _know_ what an order of magnitude is?  It's not just a 
> figure of speech, it's a mathematical term, and while i haven't tried Google 
> Chrome, and I _do_ find Firefox annoyingly slow, I find it hard to believe 
> that Chrome can be an order of magnitude faster.

Since early reports (admittedly, by google so this should be taken as
the same consideration of Reiser FS benchmarks from namesys) showed that
Chrome was indeed, over 1000% faster on some Javascript operations than
Firefox, it is indeed an oder of magnitude faster.  Knowing of several
javascript heavy pages where Firefox is *very* slow, and indeed, will
hang up all tabs while it thinks about it (as opposed to Chrome
multi-threaded tabs) I have no trouble believing the claims.

That being said, I also think the thread urging people to install it now
is a bit misguided.  Chrome on Linux is still very early alpha/beta, and
should only be used as proof of concept, testing and development.

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