Ununtu 9 with Intel 815 chipset

Victor Roberts vdr at lighting-research.com
Wed Jun 10 00:24:19 UTC 2009

I had Ubuntu 8 running very well on a system using an Intel D815EEA2 
motherboard that, in turn, uses the Intel 815 chipset and its built-in 
video driver. The system uses a NEC 15" LCD monitor.

However, after I upgraded to Ubuntu 9, the video was all messed up. I 
got square and rectangular spots on the screen when I clicked my mouse 
on the various menus.  Then it became all screwed up, and now I can't 
read anything on the desktop.  if I open a terminal, I can't read 
anything, though it does seem to accept commands.

Is there a keystroke I can use to close the GUI and return to command 
mode?  Once there, can I fix the video system or do I have to go back to 
Ubuntu 8?

Vic Roberts

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