Getting PGP

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sun Jun 7 11:20:28 UTC 2009

Yoji Atsumi wrote:
> Hi Karl,
>> I am having problems I think because the only help is a man page.
> You need to understand the basics of cryptography, but gpg man page
> is not bad, once you get hang of it.
> There is a pretty good introductions at:
> I have a book Cryptography Decrypted by H X Mel and Doris Baker
> which helped me a good deal.
> Yoji
> --- On Sun, 6/7/09, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
> From: Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>
> Subject: Re: Getting PGP
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:11 AM
> Steven Susbauer wrote:
>> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>>      Pretty Good Privacy or PGP is a system to encode a message so that 
>>> only you or another person you give the right to, can decode the 
>>> message. I was looking around with Google and discovered that 
>>> was there but they will only sell you a version for like 
>>> $250.00 for Windows.
>>>      Just on a lark I tried $ sudo aptitude install pgp and it did! I had 
>>> to search around to find any information but then found man pgpgpg and 
>>> it has most of what you need. I found out how to make me a new Public 
>>> and Private key which I did and did decode a file I have in my computer.
>>>      This is a Command Line version of PGP and it is designed to be used 
>>> by business. You can build up a system that encodes outgoing email and 
>>> decodes incoming mail that you have on your key ring.
>>>      There are a few things nice about this version. The software runs on 
>>> Ubuntu. It never gets out of date. It is free of all cost. You can use 
>>> it as much as you please.
>>> And you can get it back if you hard drive crashes.
>>> 73 Karl
>> gnupg is installed by default, it is accessed through the gpg command.
>> It is used in place of the commercial PGP product. Seahorse (the program
>> you hate due to it managing keychains) may be used to easily manage your
>> own keys, as well as keeping track of public keys of others.
>     I do not have Seahorse installed I do not think. I am having 
> problems I think because the only help is a man page. And I have no idea 
> what the system is doing most of the time. I thought I was getting it to 
> put the public key into a file but it failed. I can't figure out why.
>     If you know of any good help for this version please pass it along.
> 73 Karl
    Hi and thanks for the web page. In the past 10 minutes I found 
seahorse and the key rings are there. That is a big help. I got a .pdf 
Introduction to Cryptology by Network Assoc. which I need to just read 
cover to cover. What I have read looks good.

    The problem with PGP is you need to learn it on two planes. You need 
to understand the Cryptology that supports the idea, and you need to 
find out how the software works that you have installed.

     I know not enough about either subject but in time I will.

Thanks to you all for your help.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   Key fingerprint = C4DD E5A0 1375 F9CC 
   2720  E8EA 4995 3F46 AEBD 4FC3

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