32-bit or 64-bit

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 17:36:10 UTC 2009

Muzer wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
>>> It does; 64-bit is a lot faster, especially for media conversion (don't 
>>> know why exactly, but it's the case).
>> The reason is when building source code, the compiler has to accommodate 
>> all platforms that are available. As 64 bit processors are a lot newer 
>> than 32 bit ones, the compiler is able to use features in 64 bit mode it 
>> cannot in 32 bit mode.
>> For instance SSE instructions - The compiler knows that *all* 64 bit 
>> machines have these, so it can safely use them to speed up various math 
>> routines. It cannot do this in 32 bit mode, as not all 32 bit processors 
>> support these. This can make a difference, particularly in heavy number 
>> crunching (i.e. media conversion).
>> cheers Chris
> I knew that, I just didn't realise why it only seemed to be media 
> conversion that significantly benefited. Thanks for clarifying it :)
    I have now a computer that is 32 bit and I do write both C and C++ 
code on it. Not big programs but little ones that together do good 
things. For example I have a device that tells me the impedance of a 
circuit. But I want to know the actual R + or - jX of the circuit. So I 
wrote a C program that uses Impedance and SWR to give the desired 
result. I works just fine and took no time at all to compile.

    So to the person wondering which to use 32 or 64 bit, I suggest that 
the world has done well with 32 bit and even with Ubuntu, the 32 bit is 
easier to get working well :-)

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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