32-bit or 64-bit
muzerakascooby at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 15:17:37 UTC 2009
Jensen Somers wrote:
> Hello,
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 12:18, pkaplan1<pkaplan1 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> I just got a new Thinkpad T400/4Gb w/ Intel video at work and am trying to
>> decide which version of kubuntu to install, 32-bit or 64-bit.
>> What are people's experiences with Flash and VirtualBox on 64-bit? Are they
>> reliable? (Does flash install in 64-bit with the restricted extras package?)
> I started out with the default 32bit flash player and NDIS wrapper but
I think you mean nspluginwrapper. ndiswrapper is something completely
different. Sorry to be picky :p
> a few weeks ago I installed the 64bit flash player provided by Adobe
> and it works like a charm.
> As I am using VMWare without a problem (running a 32-bit Windows OS
> inside) I don't have any experience with VirtualBox.
>> Is there really a noticeable performance gain w/ 64-bit?
> You will probably not notice much of it when doing average day work.
> The benefit is that you are able to install/use more than 3GB of RAM
> which will give you a significant performance boost.
>> Wireless?
>> Power management?
>> X, especially w/ multiple monitors?
> Those 3 items are not really affected by a 32-bit or 64-bit OS, but I
> can tell you that my dual screen setup on my desktop is working
> perfectly.
>> Any gotchas to look out for on 64-bit?
>> TIA
>> Paul
> - Jensen
Version: 3.1
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