wifi wEirdneSs hardy heron on everex cloudbook

Tony Baldwin photodharma at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 01:41:10 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Tony Baldwin wrote:
>> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>>     Hi Tony please goto the wcid web page and on the wiki read the part 
>>> on Ubuntu.
>>> This will tell you how to get the software from the Hardy repos.
>>> Karl
>> Actually, I just did that, installed it, and it seems to work well for 
>> connecting.
>> I will test out the ftp, ssh, etc. later and get back you.
>> Thanks for the tip!
>> /tony
>     Good luck! You need the Internet to CARRY your sftp from one 
> computer to the other. By the way I have the ssh demon running on all my 
> computers so I can ssh TO the computer or sftp a file or two off the 
> computer. If your miles apart sftp is much safer than ftp which even I 
> know how to read :-)
> 73 Karl

I use sshfs to mount my /home from my main box to move files to/from my 
I use plain vanilla ftp to load files to my webhosting accounts, since I 
don't have shell access and can't use ssh or scp, etc.

be well,

free/open source software
tcl yer os with a feather...

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