Hate to give up

John Heinen hensandpat at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 3 03:16:26 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 06/01/2009 09:51 PM, John Heinen wrote:
>>>> NoOp wrote:
>     This question been a long and twisted case that could have been 
> answered in just a couple of questions and answers. I learned yesterday 
> that the User is using a  external telephone modem, not a router.  Where 
> the router comes from is a mystery. And I never asked how well does 
> Internet Explorer work in your Windows? He said his windows works fine, 
> and it was Firefox under Ubuntu that is having a problem.
>     So I was not smart in my questions. Sorry about that but from 
> reading about 25 emails on this "Hate to give up" list I figured the 
> user has DSL Internet and for some reason he didn't get any DNS ip 
> numbers. It appears that DNS may be a problem from his Internet provider.
> 73 Karl
Thanks Karl, sorry about the confusion , I played one time with Puppy
Linux, all I had to enter was the providers name, phone number, our
accountname and password. Pronto connected, on account of this I
probably confused you all asuming pon/poff would work the same.. way,
anyway I am learning John

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