very few updates on Jaunty

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Tue Jun 2 14:33:32 UTC 2009

On 06/02/2009 10:11 AM, Mikl wrote:
> Since I installed and updated Jaunty on May 23 I have only received one
> update: Cron this morning. I had Jaunty before. I reinstall Jaunty to
> re-order the partitions, erase Hardy and win disk space. I had Hardy and
> Jaunty together about three or four weeks and Hardy recerved updates and
> Jaunty stoped about two weeks before I reinstalled it.
> Synaptic, update-manager, apt-get and aptitude don't find updates
> (except this morning), don't issue any error messages and I think I
> don't have any bug. I think it is something to do with the server that
> seems to be frozen. The Haunty-proposed updates didn't changed too I
> installed them two weeks ago and since then it's blank, no new ones.
> I can think they are on holidays but I'm using ubuntu since Gusty and it
> never stopped on holidays so I can think too they have changed rules or
> have a trouble with the server but I don't know anything. Does anyone
> know what is happening?. Are you receiving updates?.
> Sorry if my English is bad, I'm from Spain.
Already noted in this forum and deemed not to be a concern...

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