OT: Linux server with GUI

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Mon Jun 1 13:46:21 UTC 2009

J Bickhard <jbickhard at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Maybe the Turnkey LAMP Appliance fits
>> <http://www.turnkeylinux.org/appliances/lamp> your needs.
> Cool! That looks pretty close to want I was wanting!
> However, did I just download a whole Operating System, or just the
> application? 

It's a whole OS based on Ubuntu 8.04

> What versions of linux can it run on? I only have a 2.3
> or so gig hard drive lying around to use for this server (pathetic, i
> know).

That's fine, 600 MByte are needed for the OS


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