shuffle by imposing....

Samps listman at
Mon Jun 1 07:39:51 UTC 2009

On Mon, 1 Jun 2009 03:11:17 am Luca Ferrari wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a document written with OpenOffice Writer, and I need to print it
> as a little book (two A5 pages within an A4 page, both sides), the problem
> is that I need to mix and match pages: the first with the last, the second
> with the second to last, and so on....
> Now, I believe this technique is called "shuffle by imposing", but I'm not
> able to find any way to do it from OO Writer. Can anybody give me a clue
> about how to achieve this?
> Thanks,
> Luca

Save the document as .PDF from within OOo and upload it in accordance with the 
instructions on this website:

it is an online impositioning tool that works a treat.


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