Partitioning Disk

James Tullos james at
Thu Jul 30 16:13:15 UTC 2009

What's wrong with that method?  Frankly, a user can partition however
they like, and if they're transitioning from Windows, why not keep some
familiarity to make the transition easier?

Personally, I'm on a dual boot system, and my setup (viewed from the
Linux side) is:

/             42 G ext3
/code        150 G FAT32
/data        150 G FAT32
/other        50 G FAT32
/windows      63 G NTFS
swap           8 G

All of the partitions are sym-linked from my home directory for ease of
access, along with other links deeper into each partition for particular

Liam Proven wrote:
> 2009/7/30 Fred Roller <froller at>:
>> I agree with Ray.  Mine set up is
>> /               = 20Gb
>> /temp           = 10Gb
>> /swap           = 8Gb (2x RAM)
>> /Data           = remainder
>> I then delete the user folder (Documents, Pictures, etc.) a sym link
>> their equivalent from /Data.
> No no no!
> That's a Windows way of doing it. With Linux, you should make a
> separate partition for /home and then *all* your data - not just a few
> user folders - will be on a separate filesystem.

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