Ubuntu 9.04 remix .ISO available???

Fred Roller froller at tnclimited.com
Wed Jul 29 18:38:06 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 11:09 -0700, David Aichelman wrote:
> I am trying to get an .ISO version of the 9.04 remix so that I can add
> persistence to a flash drive. It appears that the standard CD 9.04
> Live 'Create USB' process is broken, so I have used an 8.10 Live CD to
> build 'Easy Peasy 1.1' and 'EEEbuntu 3.01' with persistence. I believe
> that if I had the 9.04 remix in .ISO format I could use the 8.10 Live
> CD to do the same with the Ubuntu 9.04 remix. The 'EEEbuntu 3.01' .ISO
> is from a Ubuntu 9.04 also and does work fine. The only other
> difference that I can see is that the official 9.04 remix is much
> larger than the 'Easy Peasy' and 'EEEbuntu' images. 
> Also there appears to be no defined proceedure to add persistence,
> since neither 'Win32diskimager' nor 'unetbootin-windows' have the
> persistence feature built in.

eeebuntu has NBR available and it is an .ISO.
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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