Two router network

Keith Clark keithclark at
Wed Jul 29 17:05:12 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 21:32 -0400, Fred Roller wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 17:49 -0700, NoOp wrote:
> > Second (Netgear) router in my case is for: 1) isolating wireless from
> > my
> > wired network except for IP's specifically configured to connect to
> > the
> > Cisco/Linksys, 2) BEFVP41 has a significantly better firewall, does
> > hardware encrypted VPN's, provides detailed logs, etc., and 3) the
> > BEFVP41 is wired only.
> That's basically how I configure wireless on my networks (essentially
> just an AP with it's own network segment.)  Usually on the tail end of
> the chain.
> Our setup, extremely simplified:
> Cable Modem
> |
> |
> Cisco Router (Block of static IPs, WAN-Static IP)
> |                              
> |                              
> Cisco Switch (Vlan'd)--------- D-Link Rounter (Wireless, DHCP)
> |                             |
> |-----/                       |
> LinkSys (Wireless, DHCP)       D-Link Switch 
>       /                       |
>       |                        Workbench/Testbench 
>     (PCs, printers etc)
> Given what Keith provided though, both his routers are wireless and only
> two PCs are wired on the tail router.  In this case it just sounds like
> he has one too many routers and can simplify his set up and most
> probably clear up his issue.
> -- 
> Fred R.

Hi Fred,

I require the two routers.  One is in the basement, the second is on the
second story.  I don't get enough range on the wireless to cover my
whole house.  My incoming cable is in the basement, and my wired
machines are on the second story.

I am currently not using the WAN port of the second router.  I just
connect via one of the regular wired connections.

Now I have the following.

Cable Modem
Dlink router 
DHCP on 
Set as
WAN Assigned by my ISP
Wireless Connections--- Laptop
                    --- Laptop
Wired Connections------Belkin Router
                       Set as
                       Dlink router sees it as
                       DHCP off
                       WAN not connected
                       Wireless Connections
                       Wired Connections--- Desktop Server
                                        --- Desktop Computer

And when I tried it this afternoon again, it seems to work.  Now my
Laptop, can smb by computer name to

I could not get this working yesterday but today it seem to work just
fine.  I have to test it a bit more though.

I don't seem to be able to find my Belkin Router now though.

Thanks for the help!


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