how to apply nvidia settings from the command line?

Mario Guenterberg mg at
Wed Jul 29 08:43:40 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 03:56:18PM +1000, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 07:37 +0200, GĂ©rard BIGOT wrote:
> > sudo nvidia-setings
> > from a terminal session. 
> > Then make your changes and press the button that commits it to
> > xorg.conf
> > It'll persist.
> Thanks, but that's not what I need. Please read my question carefully.
> - solution must be from the command line
> - solution must not terminate the existing X session
> Also, nvidia-setting can reset the X server (apparently) when *not*
> root, and that is good. I don't *want* it to persist, necessarily - I
> want to be able to switch from setup to setup from the command line.
> Regards, K.

For switching between twinview and normal view?
My system works very fine with the default conf for twinview and if
I simply unplug the second(external) monitor, it works with the
first(internal) Display.


Version: 3.12
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