Sound Problems

Emil Payne EHSPayne at
Mon Jul 27 22:46:06 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Emil Payne wrote:
>> First off, let me state that it may be something I did.  Plus, with all 
>> the things I've tried from reading the internet, things are probably all 
>> screwed up now.
>> I am running ubuntu 9.04 installed about a month ago from a Canonical 
>> CD.  Since then it has been upgraded a few times including three kernel 
>> updates.
> 	I have 9.04 and I have yet to get a kernel update. Your kernels must be
> special and the cause of your sound problems.
> 73 Karl
2.6.28-11 is what was on the disc I installed from.  I am now up to 
2.6.28-14 .

These have been regular updates through the update manager.


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