Directory comparison

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Sun Jul 26 19:13:50 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 12:55 PM, R Kimber<richardkimber at> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend an application that I can use to compare modification
> times and filenames in directories on a remote server with those on my PC?

Two thoughts - I like 'meld' and it compares local directories - it's
available in the repositories - so if you can access the remote
directory thru nautilus, then use the ~/.gvfs folder to make the
remote folder available to meld as a local one.

Or you could hack up a little bash script - e.g.
   ls -ahl / > /tmp/1 && ssh riviera 'ls -ahl / > /tmp/2' && scp
riviera:/tmp/2 /tmp && vimdiff /tmp/1 /tmp/2
replacing riviera with your remote host, and vimdiff with meld or
whatever you prefer...

All you need to know about Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty -> gconftool -s --type
bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false

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