
Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at
Sun Jul 26 06:33:26 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 23:19 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jul 2009, Siggy Brentrup wrote:
> > On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 13:22 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> >> On Sat, 25 Jul 2009, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> >> BTW, out of curiosity, why do you use an inline sig and not a detached
> >> one?
> >
> > User-Agent: Thunderbird
> Are you saying that Tbird + enigmail can't do detatched? If so...not 
> true.

It's only that whenever I see inline, I also see User-Agent:
Thunderbird.  I installed Thunderbird to have a look but all I found
for detached involved signing with keys issued by a CA, so gpg doesn't
qualify.  I didn't look too closely though because I am not inclined
to use a GUI MUA for myself.

Instead of stating true or false, can you please point Karl and other
Thunderbird addicts to a solution.

Btw, while at that I looked at Thawte's free certificates.  They are
stealing the web-of-trust concept for those: you have to collect 50
points until you only get your name on the cert.
Please don't Cc: me when replying, I might not see either copy.
               or:                bsb-at-psycho-dot-i21k-dot-de
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