Procmail rule needed to prevent duplicate list mails?

Florian Diesch diesch at
Fri Jul 24 15:02:51 UTC 2009

"Amedee @ Ubuntu" <amedee-ubuntu at> writes:

> Is it possible to construct a procmail rule that prevents duplicate mails?
> I'm talking about mails that were sent to the list AND to me personally. I
> read the list so a personal reply is usually not needed.

>From "man procmailex":

|        If you are subscribed to several mailinglists and people
|        cross-post to some of them, you usually receive several duplicate
|        mails (one from every list).  The following simple recipe
|        eliminates duplicate mails.  It tells formail to keep an 8KB
|        cache file in which it will store the Message-IDs of the most
|        recent mails you received.  Since Message-IDs are guaranteed to
|        be unique for every new mail, they are ideally suited to weed out
|        duplicate mails.  Simply put the following recipe at the top of
|        your rcfile, and no duplicate mail will get past it.
|               :0 Wh: msgid.lock
|               | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
|        Beware if you have delivery problems in recipes below this one
|        and procmail tries to requeue the mail, then on the next queue
|        run, this mail will be considered a duplicate and will be thrown
|        away.  For those not quite so confident in their own scripting
|        capabilities, you can use the following recipe instead.  It puts
|        duplicates in a separate folder instead of throwing them away.
|        It is up to you to periodically empty the folder of course.
|               :0 Whc: msgid.lock
|               | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
|               :0 a:
|               duplicates


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