Oops, shot myself :( session ends after <10s

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de
Thu Jul 23 20:13:11 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 18:30 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> On Do, 2009-07-23 at 12:37 +0200, Siggy Brentrup wrote:
> > No profile for user 'bsb' found
> > ===== BEGIN MILESTONES (/usr/sbin/sabayon-apply) =====
> > MainThread 2009/07/23 11:58:00.6863 (sabayon-apply): No profile for
> > user 'bsb' found
> > MainThread 2009/07/23 11:58:00.6865 (sabayon-apply): Fatal exception!
> > Exiting abnormally.
> > MainThread 2009/07/23 11:58:00.6869 (sabayon-apply): Traceback (most
> > recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/sbin/sabayon-apply", line 107, in <module>
> >     sys.exit (util.EXIT_CODE_NORMAL)
> > SystemExit: 0
> > 
> > 
> did you try removing sabayon (do you actually use it ?)

Following your advice I removed sabayon: no progress.  I don't recall how
sabayon got in, can't remember to have selected it consciously yet aptitude
doesn't show an A and couldn't find a reason for installing it.

Next I tried to remove gnome-terminal but that would have removed a bunch
of other packages so I reinstalled - still no progress.

Next try: unmount my $HOME leaving me with an unpopulated home directory:
login successfull, ls -lRA | wc -l shows >1900 lines.

While logged out of gdm rsynced all that stuff to the backup tree,
mount it on $HOME: login still shows the error popup.

Finally I looked into syslog finding these (slightly edited) lines:
% grep ' 20:25:5[01] ' /var/log/syslog | head -4
Jul 23 20:25:50 $HOST gnome-session[7341]: \
   EggSMClient-WARNING: Invalid Version string '0.4.11' in \
Jul 23 20:25:51 $HOST gnome-session[7341]: \
   WARNING: Could not launch application \
   '1073656c9f28745ff5124816452565390900000098310034.desktop': \
   Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process \
   "computertemp" (No such file or directory) 

After moving the contents of .../saved-session/ out of the way
the next login was successful, lacking only the applets in the panel.

Maybe by looking into the saved-session/*.desktop even these applets
can be restored but for now there are other tasks calling.

resumé: looking into syslog in the first place might have saved me
        a lot of time and efforts.

with-desktop-again-ly yours
Please don't Cc: me when replying, I might not see either copy.
               or:                bsb-at-psycho-dot-i21k-dot-de
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