Compiz tray icon

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Jul 22 18:41:15 UTC 2009

Xandros Pilosa wrote:
> Ray Parrish pravi:
>> Hello,
>> Before I had to do a reinstall of Ubuntu, I had the Compiz icon in my 
>> Notification Area and could use it to reload my window decorator when my 
>> title bars would disappear. Now the Compiz icon no longer appears in the 
>> Notification area, and I cannot remember how to get it to be there.
>> Anyone know how to do this?
>> Thanks, Ray Parrish
> Package name is fusion-icon and it is in the universe repository.
> When it is installed, you can find it in Programs->System tools.
> Regards
Thank you very much! My tray icon is now back.

Later, Ray Parrish

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