VNC server/viewer problem

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Wed Jul 22 02:35:49 UTC 2009

Hi Y'all,

  Well I shot myself in the foot!

  I installed vncserver on a system I wanted to control remotely
  I installed vncviewer on the system I was  working from
  No problems

  I then started up the process IT WORKED!

I then changed the display I was working on to full screen and could not 
get back; yeah I know RTFM first but I didn't... I forced a reboot of my 
system and tried again and got the following message:

Connection to host "the_host:5900" was closed.

I have restarted both systems, no help. Searched the VNC site for 
information on the error and was not able to find anything that 
indicated a solution. I also tried searching the Ubuntu forum...

I have enabled port 5900 for the viewing_host in firestarter.

The message still appears...

I am running 4.08 LTS and VNC 4.1 on both systems

Has anyone else had this problem and solved it? Other ideas??

Jay (the guy with the egg on his face)


Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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