9.04 can't find second hard drive.

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 22 02:12:57 UTC 2009

On 07/21/2009 06:20 PM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 18:11:32 -0500
> Chris Mohler  wrote:
>> I've heard that one can freeze a HD, and it *might* work again for a
>> short while.  I've never had to find out whether or not it works,
> I would never even think of trying this as the resultant condensation
> can do no good for your electronics.  I think it's a  trick to destroy
> more than just the drive.
> Cybe R. Wizard

Ummm... Maybe it's a myth, or is it?:

In any event it is pretty much a last ditch attempt at this point as
he's already determined that the drive won't work even in the new USB -
IDE HDD box he just got. So if it's destined for the scrap heap anyway
what will it hurt to try it at this point?

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