help with bash script

Tim Tebbit ttebbit at
Tue Jul 21 21:59:12 UTC 2009

R Kimber wrote:
> I'm trying to do something very simple but failing, and would appreciate
> some pointers.
> I'm trying to create a script that executes a command on a series of files
> one-at-a-time, pausing between each execution.  The input files are all in a
> single file, one on each line. I have
> .......................
> #!/bin/bash
> cd <to working directory>
> cat <file with list of input files> | while read FILECHECKED do
>    <command> "$FILECHECKED"
>    echo
>    echo -n Press a key to continue....
>    while [ "$RESPONSE" = "Z" ]
>    do
>       read RESPONSE
>    done
>    echo
> done
> ......................
> The command executes, but there is no pause between the processing of each
> input file.  I've tried various variations using the read command, to no
> avail.  Curiously, if I add
> just before the final 'done', it prints out the name of the file it has
> just processed and the file it is about to process - not 'Z'.
> I'm obviously doing something stupid.
> - Richard.


sleep 1
echo ......

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