rsync to synchronize to a XP Computer.
Kipton Moravec
kip at
Tue Jul 21 03:20:32 UTC 2009
On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 19:48 -0400, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Kipton Moravec wrote:
> > So then I decided to just copy the files. For some reason even though I
> > have a 10/100 card in both computers and a 10/100 switch between them, I
> > am only getting about 200kb - 1MB per second transfer and it says it
> > will take 24 hours to transfer the data.
> Yeah, I would expect higher too. But I don't know the exact cause.
> > I can't figure out the syntax for rsync to copy.
> >
> > I thought it should be
> > sudo rsync --delete -azvv -e ssh /home/backup/Work smb://main/c/backupw
> Indeed, that is not valid. rsync can do "local" copies, and it can copy
> from your computer to a remote host running an rsync server. "Local"
> means here that the source and destination are both part of mounted
> filesystems on your machine. If you use smbfs (apt-get install smbfs)
> you can mount smb://main/c/backupw so it appears as a local filesystem.
> So then it would be something like:
> sudo mkdir /mnt/my_smb_mount
> sudo mount.cifs //main/c/backupw /mnt/my_smb_mount -o username=myusername
Tried this and got error message
sudo: mount.cifs: command not found
Is something missing in the line?
> sudo rsync --delete -azvv /home/backup/Work /mnt/my_smb_mount
> Note that while this should work, it is not really ideal. Much better
> is to install actual rsync server on the Windows XP machine. There are
> a few available, three listed at
> . Probably, your best bet is one of the cygwin ones.
> That way, you'll get the benefit of rsync's bandwidth optimizations.
> With smb as a "local" filesystem, you won't.
> Matt Flaschen
I have cygwin on my XP machine. I will look into this.
Kipton Moravec AE5IB .- . ..... .. -...
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