compatable? XFX GeForce 8200 Motherboard

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at
Tue Jul 21 02:28:52 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Linda Hammans<linda at> wrote:
> thanks all for feedback!
> can anyone recommend a ubuntu multimedia motherboard?
> Linda

Last year I built my system around exactly this motherboard, XFX
GeForce 8200. Although in the beginning I lost a lot of time figuring
how to make it recognize my Sata HD under Ubuntu, (but I managed to do
so) with Ubuntu updates and new releases this problem was overcome and
it is not an issue any more.

The BIOS may be set at AHCI mode and the Sata HDs work at full speed.
This board supports AMD Phenon processors and up to 8 GB DDR2 RAM, an
overkill for Linux.

Onboard GeForce video 8200 is very Ubuntu compatible as well as offboard 8400.

NVidia provides full support for Linux.

I find it extremely stable and quick. Have tested several Ubuntu
builts, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, i386 and AMD64. I'm now using mostly 9.04/64
and it runs flawless.

Right now it is very compatible with Linux with no drive issues at all.

Besides, this board has an excellent cost/benefit ratio, I would
recommend it for sure.

L M Nicolosi, Eng.
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