[Solved] Re: Evolution 2.26.1 does not wrap around text lines in the 'Re: <subject' window unless highlighted before

Detlef Lechner Detlef.Lechner at gmx.net
Sun Jul 19 03:26:53 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-07-18 at 12:50 -0500, sktsee wrote:

> Evolution defers to the format of the original message when quoting it
> in a reply.  If you wish to wrap the quoted material when replying,
>  click somewhere in the quoted portion and type Ctl-K, or select it
>  from the menu Format->Wrap lines. Alternatively, you can select the
>  quoted material and change the style from Preformatted to Normal from
>  the menu Format->Paragraph Style->Normal (or from Format toolbar).

Thank you very much for explaining. It works as you said.

Detlef Lechner

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