Documentation to Ubuntu Runlevels/Upstart

sktsee sktsee at
Sat Jul 18 17:50:52 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 16:01 -0400, Fred Roller wrote: 
> > Can anyone point to documentation that explains the Ubunutu/Debian
> > runlevel, in depth?
> >
> Fred, please do not hijack this thread. Either google it or start a
> new thread. Thanks.
> -- 
> Dotan Cohen
> Again, apologies.  I, like Doten, was under the misimpression that
> ubuntu ran under the init run levels 0-6 and S.  As it turns out
> Ubuntu/Debian just pass arguements to init (as I am to understand) and
> upstart handles the old job of init.  Because of this Ubuntu only needs
> runlevels s,0,1,2,6.  I have unsucessfully found any technical
> explanation of this process.
> I have man'd and info'd - init, telinit, & upstart.  Nothing real
> meaningful there.  And now that I have asked I can see where the subject
> would have hijacked the thread.  
> So, if anyone can point me in a direction or two, Thanx.


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