fetchmailrc and gmail and pop

Admin admin at enabled.com
Sat Jul 18 16:41:58 UTC 2009

Wade Smart wrote:
> poll pop.gmail.com uidl proto pop3 port 995 auth password user
> "username at gmail.com" there with password "password" nokeep no fetchall
> This is what I use now.
> Registered Linux User: #480675
> Linux since June 2005

My result is an error.


$ cat .fetchmailrc
# Configuration created Wed Jul  4 14:43:14 2001 by fetchmailconf
set bouncemail
set properties ""

poll pop.gmail.com uidl proto pop3 port 995 auth password user
      "username at gmail.com" there with password "password" nokeep no fetchal

$ fetchmail -k -v -v
Old UID list from pop.gmail.com: <empty>
Scratch list of UIDs: <empty>
fetchmail: 6.3.8 querying pop.gmail.com (protocol POP3) at Sat Jul 18 
09:36:30 2009: poll started
Trying to connect to
         fetchmail: socket error while fetching from 
username at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com
fetchmail: 6.3.8 querying pop.gmail.com (protocol POP3) at Sat Jul 18 
09:37:30 2009: poll completed
Merged UID list from pop.gmail.com: <empty>
fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
fetchmail: Deleting fetchids file.
fetchmail: normal termination, status 2
fetchmail: Deleting fetchids file.

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