Default Root password

David Curtis dcurtis at
Fri Jul 17 20:01:55 UTC 2009

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:54:59 -0700 (PDT)
Deelip Aluria <deelip_aluria at> wrote:

> Hi,I installed the Ubuntu on my USB making it bootable. Now when Ubuentu launches it asks for a root user id and password. Itried enterting "Ubuntu" in id and password in cpas in small but this does not help.

In general there is no root password [1]. I assume you mean that you installed ubuntu on a usb pendrive/memory stick. It should behave, by default, the same way as a normal install. Have you changed anything? Did you install from a third party source? Did you create a root account? Or are you talking about not remembering the first user's login/password? In that case you need to boot into recovery mode (single user mode) and follow these instructions [2].



David Curtis <dcurtis at>

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