Chicony KU-8933 - keyboard (spanish)

Damien Hull dhull at
Fri Jul 17 22:30:50 UTC 2009

How do I get the Spanish layout you're talking about? 

Also, all the Spanish layouts I'm seeing don't have the Spanish "C" key next to "Enter". I believe there are a couple of extra keys on the spanish keyboard that are missing on the keyboard layouts. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Padro" <vpadro at>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 2:18:48 PM GMT -09:00 Alaska
Subject: Re: Chicony KU-8933 - keyboard (spanish)

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Damien Hull<dhull at> wrote:
> This is the keyboard layout that I want.
> So far I have not seen this layout in Ubuntu. Can this be done?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Victor Padro" <vpadro at>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 4:40:33 PM GMT -09:00 Alaska
> Subject: Re: Chicony KU-8933 - keyboard (spanish)
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Damien Hull<dhull at> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get this keyboard to work. System --> Preferences --> Keyboard doesn't have it. There are Spanish options but those are hacks for an English keyboard. This is a true Spanish keyboard that has different keys.
>> Is there a way to add this in as a keyboard option?
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> There are only 3 spanish layouts that I know, spanish, spanish
> international and latin american:
> I sent you the command to change the layout system wide in a previous
> mail you sent.
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It seems to me the spanish(international) layout but I have not seen
it in ubuntu at install process, but you can install the spanish
layout instead, the only difference I see is the location of the |
key, all the rest are the same.

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