9.04 can't find second hard drive.

Accessys@smart.net accessys at smart.net
Fri Jul 17 20:06:39 UTC 2009

have done both.....??

no effect.  in fact I have removed all peripherals and tried to boot
the old SUSE 10 and the computer won't boot, says there is no boot
media.  this is an upgrade with a new motherboard, CPU, and Graphics
card and new Harddrive.

was running an hour before shutting down to make the upgrade....would
boot fine in SUSE on old system,  only problem was that it was "olde"
and couldn't run some of the newer software.


On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Chris Mohler wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Accessys at smart.net<accessys at smart.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>>       Yes! If the BIOS does not show that drive it means you will never find
>> it! The first step is to find out what is wrong. Make sure the big flat
>> cable is connected at the hard drive and the mother board. Make sure the
>> hard drive is running. Now check BIOS and see if the hard drive is there.
> that's the part that has me confused,.  I have two drives on that
> cable, the hard drive AND a CD drive which is the drive I used to load
> Ubuntu from.... if finds the CD fine.
> the hard drive does run I hear it spin up if I listen hard enough.
> have changed the cables and have switched the positions of the plugs
> on the drives....
> can't understand why the BIOS doesn't see it though.

Check jumper settings on the IDE hard drive.  Or disconnect the CD
drive and put the IDE hard drive on that connector (on the ribbon).


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