Transferral of Ubuntu 8.10

Fred Roller froller at
Thu Jul 16 22:43:00 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 17:08 -0500, J Bickhard wrote:
> So, as all of the suggestions I got about my dual boot setup didn't
> work, I'm gonna try it with two different drives. Only problem is, I
> have an Ubuntu 8.10 installation on my 5GB hard drive, and want to
> move it onto my 40GB hard drive. How can I copy the entire disk image
> onto my 40GB hard drive? I will then boot off of the 40GB, with a menu
> option to boot into Windows on my 80GB.
> Jake, Editor of Micro 100 Magazine

Assuming both drives are on the same system:

boot livecd
open terminal

sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4028 conv=notrunc

sda=5Gb old drive
sdb=40Gb new drive

double check these to be sure

Once complete use System->Administration->Partition Editor
to expand your 40Gb drive.

Fred R.

"Life is like Linux, simple.  If you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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