Brother MFC errors

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Thu Jul 16 20:36:18 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Keith Clark<keithclark at> wrote:
> Yesterday my Brother MFC scanner worked just fine.  Today I get the
> following when I turn it on, and this is from the messages log:
> hp-info[31755]: warning: No display found.
> hp-systray[31756]: warning: No display found.
> hp-info[31755]: warning: Unable to connect to dbus. Is hp-systray runn$

Keith - that stuff is coming from hp's software - not required for
Brother.  Perhaps related.  Suggest you disable the HPLIP service and
see if that helps.  Also consider running the 'hp-info' command as
root and see what it tells you.


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