File system locked on upgrade

David S Angulo davidsangulo at
Thu Jul 16 19:55:46 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Derek Broughton<derek at> wrote:
> fsck.

Are you saying I should run fsck?

> How do you think it got mounted read-only?

Is that a rhetorical question or did you want me to answer it?

If you wanted me to answer it, then I reall do not know how it got
mounted read-only.

If it is rhetorical, then I don't know.  That's why I'm asking.  Could
you tell me what you think happened?

>As the fstab says
> "errors=remount-ro".
> Why are you still using ext2?  It really isn't smart, and it's so easy to
> add a journal and turn it into ext3 (see tune2fs).  Then if you manage to
> turn off the machine without properly shutting down, it'll be able to
> recover properly.

OK, I'll look into this.  Is this why it's mounted read-only?  I've
used this fstab for years (I can't recall who helped me set it up).

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