I want better email SW. Can Evolution/Majordomo deliver?

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Wed Jul 15 15:37:04 UTC 2009

Piper wrote:
> Let me rephrase the issue which brought me to this list.
> I want better email SW than Windows Express especially when it comes to the 
> listserver aspect of Express Mailbox, ie
> ... a mailbox listerver which does more than allow x number of email 
> addresses under a name like "ABC List".

A mailbox listserver?  What?  Do you want a mail client like Outlook

It's very obvious to me that you don't have a clue what you want if you
can't supply the correct name of the mail client you use.

> I only need 2 additional features:
> (1) When the email comes in here to ABC, a "reflector expression" will send 
> it back out automatically to all others on ABC.

So you want a mailing list server?  That's essentially what feature 1 is
 doing.  Although, there's absolutely no reason why you can't setup a
rule or filter to automatically forward any message you receive to a
distribution list (or group) that includes everyone you have in your
address book.  But God only knows why you'd want to do that.

> (2) When J Doe wants to sub/unsub for ABC, Doe can send a command here and 
> it will be automatically processed accordingly.

Okay, you're wanting something like mailman.  MajorDomo works as well,
but I've used Mailman for years and am very comfortable with it.

> Am I asking for too much?
> If Evolution cannot be modified to do this, what about Majordomo on a Linux 
> machine?

Modify Evolution to be a listserver?  Not bloody likely, it's not
designed for that.  Although you can setup the rule to satisfy feature
number 1.

> I DO NOT WANT TO BE A PUBLIC "SERVER". I want a PRIVATE listservice as 
> above. That is not the business of any ISP. It is a legitimate user request. 
> BTW it is not out of any deference to my ISP that I say this. I do not want 
> the legal liability of "hosting" anybody else's list. 

Um, your server, whatever it is, is going to have to be public in some
form or fashion.  It's got to be accessible to the internet to do this
correctly (unless this is a LAN only thing).

However, if you mean you want one mailing list and that's it, either
majordomo or mailman will work for you.


Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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