share printer with linux

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jul 14 23:24:24 UTC 2009

On 07/14/2009 01:30 PM, Soren Orel wrote:
> How can I share my printer with a linux pc, so that I could add this printer
> as a network printer from a windows pc OR another linux pc?
> What's the best solution? Is there any?
> I already tried in samba:
> Ok, I can see the printer, if I type: e.g.: "\\" in "RUN" under
> a windows xp machine, I can print too  (I have to install printer driver
> first).
> But I just can't set this printing from a Linux machine :( I tried
> system-config-printer under GNOME but I just can't find out, what's the
> printers address??  (I can see the printer within the workgroup, I can add
> it, but when I want to print, it just does nothing...theres no firewall that
> may block it..)
> smb://
> ipp://

For ipp you need to add the port:

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