Transferring disks with partimage

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Jul 14 22:03:04 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Siggy Brentrup wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 17:08 +0200, Joep L. Blom wrote:
>>> Fred Roller wrote:
>>>> DD will work over the network.  Ensuring neither drive is mounted, the
>>>> command would look something like this:
>>>> dd if=/dev/sda1 |ssh user at destination.pc "dd of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4028
>>>> conv=notrunc"
>>>> sda1 = whatever source device
>>>> sdb1 = whatever destination drive
>>>> if you want to do the whole drive then drop the numbers (sda ->sdb)
>>>> this takes awhile (5-25 Mb/s is the range I have seen).
>>>> Hope this helps.  Check the archives, we just discussed this subject and
>>>> proceedures for both dd and rsync are there.
>>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Fred & Siggy,
>>> Thanks for the reply. I agree with Siggy that dd over the network is 
>>> dangerous moreover I don't want the same partition size on both drives. 
>>> The whole procedure is meant to store one 20 GB disk and one 80 GB disk 
>>> each on a separate partition on a 1 TB disk, well at least all the ext3 
>>> partitions. Of course the NTFS and FAT32 partitions will come on their 
>>> own partition. I was thinking along the line of using partimage-server 
>>> to move the images ( of each partition) to the destination system. 
>>> However that doesn't solve my wish to concatenate the smaller partitions.
>>> I'm still looking for a way to do that with a minimal of effort (!).
>>> Joep
>> Just curious: do you mean minimal effort for you or minimal effort
>> for the OS?.  Apart from some early experiments I have always used
>> a tar or cpio pipe for bulk copying, something along the lines of
>>   sudo  tar czf - /home | ssh sudo tar xzf - -C /
>> You might also consider to nfs mount the remote volume and use
>> the known commands but be carefull with root rights on the
>> remote volume.
>> In any case let the machine work for you and have a beer and
>> an oude genever :)
>> tot ziens
>>   Siggy
> 	I found a dd backup scheme which is this:
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> DD Backups over SSH
> To perform backups of a local workstation?s hard disk over a network,
> perform the following procedures (adjusted to your particular situation
> of course):
>    1. Download and boot from a live Linux distro
> 	This is a LiveCD and that means all the partitions on the computer are
> unmounted.
>    2. Become ?root? within a shell
>    3. Run ?fdisk -l? (?mac-fdisk -l? I know works on SystemRescueCD
> 0.2.0 (PPC) for PPC/Macs (what about Intel Macs?)) and note the internal
> hard disk partition to backup (ex: ?/dev/hda?)
> The rest assumes that (in short, you will probably have to substitute
> some numbers or devices and you have ssh access somewhere):
>    1. You have network access
>    2. You have access to an SSH server
>    3. Your network is configured with private addresses and you are not
> assigning one that conflicts with another local IP address
>    4. Your netmask is the same as the one supplied in the following commands
> Give an IP address to the workstation you have just booted the live
> Linux disc on, set the netmask, and bring the network interface up:
> ifconfig eth0 netmask up
> Set the default gateway (if you need to reach outside of the LAN that
> is? normally this is your router?s IP address):
> route add default gw
> Set a DNS server (if you are in the habit of not strictly using IP
> addresses):
> echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
> Execute the backup command:
> dd if=/dev/hda | ssh username at backupserver.fqdn "dd
> of=/directory_of_backups_on_ssh_server/backupfile.iso"
> Obviously, most of the previous is getting the network up? try running
> ?dhclient? if the live Linux disc has it installed, and your network has
> DHCP setup. ;-)
> This entry was posted on Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 10:04 pm. You
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> I have not tried this so I cannot say it works for sure.
> 73 Karl
Thanks Karl,
I will look into ot tomorrow and see what I can do with the information.
Much obliged,

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