Transferring disks with partimage

Fred Roller froller at
Tue Jul 14 15:27:25 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 17:08 +0200, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> However that doesn't solve my wish to concatenate the smaller
> partitions.
> I'm still looking for a way to do that with a minimal of effort (!).
> Joep

Well, if you want to experiment.

dd dev -> .iso each of the smaller part.
make .iso writable.
dd .iso -> dev one part

In theory, this should work.

dd is also basically xcopy, dd if=file of=file -> into new part.

At this point, if you are just moving data rsync, or others, may be your
best bet.

Fred R.

"Life is like Linux, simple.  If you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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